FAQ SAFE 360° - Safety in Aviation Forum for Europe 2021
The SAFE 360° Organising Committee is available for assistance. The team will answer any questions you might have about registration and the program. If your query is not covered under FAQ, please do not hesitate to contact us.
How do I register to SAFE 360° - Safety in Aviation Forum for Europe 2021?
Registration to the virtual conference is open - for more information, please visit https://www.easasafe360.eu/.
Please click on the ‘Register now’ button and follow the steps required for the online registration.
I have registered for SAFE 360° - Safety in Aviation Forum for Europe 2021. Can I share the streaming link with someone else?
No, the access to the streaming page is available only to the registered participants.
I missed the registration closing date, can I still register?
Registration is only open until 01 June 2021.
I have registered. When will more information be sent to me about the conference?
More information will be sent to you a week before the conference for the access to the on-demand content and the day before the conference for the access to the live sessions. Feel free to visit the SAFE 360° event website for updates.
What do I need to attend the virtual conference?
To attend SAFE 360° - Safety in Aviation Forum for Europe 2021, you need a good internet connection, your device or computer, and a valid registration. You will receive login details a few days prior to the conference.
How can I access the on-demand content?
The on-demand content will be available only for registered participants under the tab ‘Resources’. You will receive an email from us with the access code few days prior to the conference.
How can I ask questions related to the on-demand content?
The on-demand content will have a dedicated field to submit your questions and/or any comments related to the material posted.
How can I ask questions during the live session?
To ask questions during the live sessions, we will be using Sli.do tool, which will be integrated within the virtual platform. You can ask your questions:
Will the sessions be recorded?
Yes, the sessions will be recorded and only the main highlights and key takeaways of the Panels will be later available.
What is the time zone of the SAFE 360° - Safety in Aviation Forum for Europe 2021?
As an international organisation, EASA aims to maximize opportunities for participation across all time zones. All times indicated in the SAFE 360° 2021 schedule are in the CEST time zone [UTC+2].
For planning purposes, the conference will be livestreamed from Cologne, Germany and will be structured as follows:
Day 1: High-level Panels from 13:00 to 16:30 [UTC+2]
Day 2: 360˚ Panels from 13:50 to 17:00 [UTC+2]
Day 3: 360˚ Workshops and Breakout sessions from 09:20 to 16:00 [UTC+2]
Convert these times to your local times by using an online time converter.
If I have problems accessing a session, who should I contact?
Visit the contact page on the SAFE website and get in touch with the SAFE 360° Organising Committee.
Who do I contact for other questions?
If you have any questions, please use the contact form here.
Please select the most relevant subject for your query and a member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.